Shared by Miryam Hernando:

I liked a lot the activities Harriet named “DRAMA EXERCISES”, especially this year that interaction is so limited.

So, from her ideas I have decided to begin one lesson a week in my classes with 3º ESO and 1º ESO on what I have called “THE BACKSTAGE”.

I create a theatre set in class on the screen with an image of a stage from the Teatro Calderón in Valladolid), just to recreate the atmosphere.
I set two teams of 4-5 people that will be “competing on the stage”.

I provide each group of students with a set of concepts of the lesson we are working with (between 3 and 5), they have to mimic to the other group, who have to guess. 

  • Examples  of one of the sets I gave them:

My other students in class act as “jokers”, and each group has 2 jokers they could randomly choose, but the same person could not be joker two times or joker for the same team.

What I’ve seen:

• Good as a starter or recalling content by the end of the lesson
• If you use it weekly, we minimize the time use on preparing the activity, as students get use the dynamic
• It allows them to move more freely on this covid days
. Excellent for clarifying concepts
