The Alphabet Game and Who is Who


Shared by Rubén Gómez:

1. The first activity that I share with you promotes and involves listening and reading comprehension, basically:

We all know the TV show Pasapalabra, or Alphabet in Britain. The activity follows the same structure or pattern: pupils are divided into different teams.

The teacher projects on the screen the circle with all the alphabet letters (I have an app/program with it), and the starting team has to guess the different words, following the alphabet order, from the definition they read on the screen, or the one they listen from the teacher's reading. 

If they get the answer right, they continue playing; if they say a wrong answer, the teacher marks this letter in red colour, and other team starts, and so on. We can vary the rules depending on our goals or the available time.

I always do this activity after finishing with one unit, in order to check their learning about the topic and the vocabulary knowledge of this unit.

2. The second activity is called 'Guess who...', and promotes speaking, mainly with interrogative structures.

The teacher picks one pupil, who goes to the front of the classroom. There, the teacher shows him/her a paper with the name and the picture of a really famous sportsperson, well know for all of them (depending on the subject, this could be any other famous person, or historical celebrity). 

Then, the rest of his/her classmates start asking this pupil different questions, in order to guess who the celebrity is; the one standing next to the teacher has to respond to this questions with yes/no answers, or longer responses, giving the others some 'clues' if they are not well headed towards the right solution. 

The pupil who guess who the celebrity is goes to the front of the classroom, and the one who was there seats again on his/her chair, to start with another personality guessing.


Harriet Thomson:

You could also consider introducing unknown athletes into the GUESS WHO game using a photo and the students have to guess which sport they do by looking at their appearance and physique and asking questions.
