Fun Facts about X and Find Someone Who


Shared by Ana Alonso:

I believe a good warm-up activity for almost any topic is “Find Someone Who”. I have used this activity to introduce the “holidays” topic with items such as: 

-Find someone who has travelled to 3 different countries. First I would explain to the students that they must go around the classroom asking their classmates the questions in the sheet and writing their names down if the answer is yes. The great thing about this activity is that you can introduce a complex grammatical point for students, such as the Present Perfect, in an interactive way, at the same time as you introduce a new vocabulary topic.

After this introduction, it would be good to continue with the “Mind the Gap” activity. I would ask the students to search “Fun Facts about X”, regarding 5 English speaking countries (a different for one each row). 

Then they would create a text that leaves the fun information out for other students to fill in the gaps. Perhaps this activity could even be transformed into a contest by giving a point to the team which was closer to the real answer. Not only would the students be using English in a fun and engaging way, but also specific grammatical structures and vocabulary points.
